Title: Moto Racer Genre: Racing – Action – Rally Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Features: single-player Released: August 31, 1997 Company: Delphine Software / Anuman Interactive

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Moto Racer (c) Delphine Software / Anuman Interactive A legend among motorcycle racers and the most memorable game of its kind to ever hit the PC market. Offering a superb blend of lightning-fast superbike racing and hairpin curve-infested motocross events, it became an instant classic. It’s got a bunch of nifty features, like two driving models (arcade and simulation), vivid graphics that look pretty nice even today and a broad selection of motorcycles to choose from. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/moto_racer How to Easily Download & Install Moto Racer

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Size: 341.5 MB Moto Racer (GOG)